Premium Quality Wood Butcher Block Countertops,
Plank Countertops and Stair Treads

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Poplar Extra Thick Stair Tread

Poplar's sapwood is creamy white and the heartwood varies from pale yellowish brown to a greenish color that generally turns brown with exposure to light. Occasional dark purple streaks may also occur in Poplar. A Poplar wood stair tread is a great choice to stain or to paint!

These Poplar extra thick stair treads are available from 1-1/4" to 1-3/4" thick, and in almost any width and length. Extra thick treads are very popular for open staircases. We offer Grade 1S for extra thick stair treads that will be visible only on the top, front and returned sides, and Grade 2S for extra thick stair treads that will be visible on the bottom and back as well.