Premium Quality Wood Butcher Block Countertops,
Plank Countertops and Stair Treads
25% Off All Online Orders Through Sunday, March 30
(Prices displayed reflect discount)

Butcher Block Finishing

Butcher Block Storage, Handling and Finishing Instructions

Note: If you ordered a plank style countertop or backsplash, these same instructions apply.

Butcher blocks should be sealed, finished and installed as soon as possible after receipt. Installation methods can vary depending on the situation. If you are unsure how to properly install your butcher block, please consult a contractor. Do not use adhesive to attach your butcher block.

Always handle blocks using clean hands or wearing gloves.

Blocks should be lifted and carried to destination rather than dragged.

Blocks should not be exposed to extreme temperature changes, high humidity or low humidity. Do not store blocks in direct sunlight.

Spilled liquids should be wiped up as soon as they are noticed. Always use a coaster when placing glasses, mugs or cups on the butcher block.

Prior to finishing, remove any scuff marks or scratches that may have occurred during handling, shipping or storage. Remove any sanding dust.

Finishing Instructions

Unfinished Butcher Blocks:

Unfinished butcher blocks must be sealed and finished within ten days of receipt.

If sanding is required, use 120 grit sandpaper and sand with the grain at all times.

If your butcher block may be used for food preparation, apply two coats of a food safe mineral oil** (available at most drug stores) to all surfaces (top, bottom, sides and edges). Continue to apply mineral oil to the top surface daily for a week, and monthly thereafter. You should also apply one coat of mineral oil to the sides, edges and exposed areas underneath on this same schedule. It is important to keep the butcher block well oiled at all times.

If your butcher block will not be used for food prep, apply two coats of a quality polyurethane (available at most paint stores) to all surfaces (top, bottom, sides and edges). Apply a third coat to the top surface. Follow the recommendation and instructions of the paint store.

There are other finishing products, food safe and non food safe, available online and at most paint stores. Follow the manufacturer's instructions.

Prefinished Butcher Blocks:

If your butcher block was ordered with mineral oil treatment, continue to apply a food safe mineral oil** (available at most drug stores) to the top surface daily for a week, and monthly thereafter. You should also apply one coat of mineral oil to the sides, edges and any exposed areas underneath on this same schedule. It is important to keep the butcher block well oiled at all times.

If your butcher block was ordered with our conversion varnish, no further finishing is required. It is ready to install. Our conversion varnish is NOT food safe and the butcher block should not be used for food preparation.

** A note about mineral oil: Mineral oil can, on occasion, raise the grain of wood and make it feel rough to the touch. This occurs on only a small percentage of blocks and usually during the first few coats. If this happens on your block, buff or lightly sand the area and apply another coat of mineral oil. Check the block again and repeat this process if necessary. At some point, the block will remain smooth and the buffing/sanding will no longer be necessary.

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